The incredible Jennifer Lopez JLo in her  video Medicine wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev White asymmetric sculpture dress - Looking absolutely stunning...❤️ styled the wonderful Rob Zangardi x Mariel Haenn The song features French Montana.  

'So amazing to have my work featured in this truly iconic video with this unbelievably inspiring women... LOVE Jennifer Lopez' 

JLo Jeniifer Lopez Medicine wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev white vegan vinyl sculpture Dress

JLo Jeniifer Lopez Medicine wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev white vegan vinyl sculpture Dress

Video directed by the amazing Jora FrantzisJennifer Lopez also wears crystal helmet by Heidi LeeJLo wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev white sculpture vinyl dress Medicine video featuring French Montana x Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Jlo dress Medicine video by Jivomir DomoustchievJennifer Lopez Jlo dress Medicine video by Jivomir DomoustchievJennifer Lopez Jlo dress Medicine video by Jivomir Domoustchiev